Many times faster than hand peeling, a single Jonsson machine can peel up to 6,000 shrimp per hour. That’s 100 shrimp per minute!
Faster peeling means shrimp move to additional processing quickly with less possibility of time and temperature abuse.
Lead time for producing finished product is reduced, therefore allowing quicker response to customer demand.
Peel shrimp BETTER
Enjoy having a more uniform, better looking end product. Because each shrimp is cut to the exact same depth, size variations are not a factor.
Enjoy having a cleaner product. Because less handling of product is necessary, the risk of contamination is reduced. Lower bacteria counts mean a better quality product.
Because there is less damage than typical of hand peeled product, your shrimp will be more valuable.
Peel shrimp CHEAPER
Jonsson systems peel more shrimp in less space than any other method, which may eliminate the need for plant expansion.
Jonsson systems provide a high yield of both perfectly peeled shrimp and product weight.
Jonsson systems are easy to operate.
Because equipment costs are constant, extending the workweek or adding shifts may offer additional savings.
Low investment with high returns make Jonsson systems cost effective even where labor costs are low and capital costs are high.
As labor supply is unpredictable, costs are likely to increase and conversely, as equipment costs are retired, fixed costs decrease. By mechanizing your peeling operation with a Jonsson system, you can turn volatile production costs into predictable, stable and decreasing total costs.
The sooner you install a money saving Jonsson system, the sooner you will realize savings and maximize profits.